Ayurvedic Offerings
Ayurvedic Consultations
Initial Ayurvedic Consultation - $200
An initial consultation involves two appointments, the first is your main 90 minute Ayurvedic Consultation and the second is a report of findings within 7 days of that first appointment to deliver your treatment plan (either in person or via zoom).
An initial Ayurvedic Consultation is a comprehensive examination and assessment of you in your entirety from an Ayurvedic perspective. This is to discover your Prakruti (unique doshic constitution of vata, pitta and kapha), your Vikriti (doshic imbalances/imbalanced state) and the possible root causes of illness/imbalances being experienced.
This is a space where you are completely seen and heard. We want to know everything about your history and current state in order to be able to design the most effective and tailored program for you.
The consultation involves:
-Discussion about your personal health goals and the main reasons for you seeking a consultation
-A thorough medical history and family history
-Current imbalances/aliments
-Assessment of diet, appetite, lifestyle, habits, mental state, sleep, bowel movements, hormonal, mental health and more
-Physical analysis involving the assessment of Nadi (Pulse), Jihva (tongue), Sparsha (Skin), Drik (Eyes), Akriti (Face, over all impression) and more
*I currently consult at Soul Care Chiropractic in Abbey.
Follow up Ayurvedic Consultation - $85
These 45 minute appointments are available to return clients who have completed their initial appointment and are looking to check back in and to discus how your protocol is going.
The follow ups are ideal anywhere from 3-8 weeks from your initial in order to advance & update your treatment plans, receive new herbal medicine formulas or if you have a new aliment arise.
Ayurvedic Body Therapies (coming Soon)
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
Information to come
The goal of all Ayurvedic programs are to create within the body and mind an optimum environment for healing to take place and to maximise your body's ability to heal itself.
From the information obtained during your initial appointment, Ally will formulate a reading of your Ayurvedic Constitution (prakruti/doshas) and your current state of imbalance (vikriti). She will devise a comprehensive Ayurvedic program (protocol/treatment plan) which will determine the next most powerful, positive steps for you to take regarding your health, well-being and spiritual growth by utilising:
-Personalised Dinacharya (Daily routine advice) including rituals and routines designed to balance you the most effectively
-Recommended hatha yoga principles and practices that would benefit you
-Nutritional advice, diet chart/guidelines for your specific needs including tailored delicious Ayurvedic recipes.
-Ayurvedic cleanse guidlines if indicated
-Example diet and lifestyle plans for the week to help you practically put the advice into action
-Ayurvedic psychology and other related techniques
-Any specific herbal remedies or treatments for your current conditions
-Suggested Ayurvedic therapies
-Any other additional Ayurvedic information relevant to the client
-All suggestions in the treatment plan are completely tailored and unique to balancing you.
This really depends on what you want out of your session, how chronic your imbalances are and how willing you are to do the work. Usually, an Ayurvedic treatment program is designed for 6-8 weeks, however it may suit you long term.
Depending on what has come up during your initial consultation, you may benefit from a follow up consultation in 2-8 weeks depending on what the practitioner feels is most beneficial. This can be to tweak your treatment plan once initial imbalances are addressed and we move forward onto addressing the next things, to update your herbal combinations and so forth.
Have you been battling with health issues that you just can’t quite seem to heal? Have you tried all of the other things with little to no improvement? Are you serious about returning to optimal health and balance?
Ayurveda is so versatile and can help you with a full-spectrum, holistic approach to healing. Whether you have chronic issues or are just looking for a general tune up and revamp, Ayurveda can definitely help you.
Some reasons you may seek a consultation:
-Gut/digestive and dietary issues (for example gas, bloating, constipation, pain, food intolerances, malabsorption, anaemia, parasites, candida etc)
-Transition from vegan/vegetarian to eating meat/animal products OR from eating meat to vegetarian
-Sleep, insomnia, headaches, allergies
-Inflammation & Arthritis
-Mental, emotional and spiritual health
-ADHD support
-Hormonal imbalances & diseases, libido, weight loss or gain
-Women's health such as menstruation imbalance, menopause, fertility, candida, postpartum care and coming off birth control
-Connecting back to your body, learning how to nourish yourself properly, how to prepare nutritious food for your unique constitution and so on.
-You may also simply be interested in learning how to maximise your health and wellbeing from an Ayurvedic perspective
Availability & Where to find me
All in person Ayurvedic Consultations
Soul Care Chiropractic Abbey, Busselton
Appointments available Wednesday and Thursdays, with the occasional Saturday.
Online Ayurvedic Consultations:
Online zoom appointments are available for those who do not live in the area (subject to availability Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sundays).
Ayurvedic Body Therapies (coming soon)
Private Practice - West Busselton
Ayurvedic Body Therapies: Available Sunday’s
If you desire an appointment on a different day I may be able to accommodate you (subject to availability Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sundays).
Feel free to email me (ayubloomoffice@gmail.com) to arrange alternative days.
Not sure if an Ayurvedic Consultation is the right fit for you? Or do you want to find out more about Body therapies? Book a free 15 minute discovery call!